Otago Farmers Market Mobile Kitchen Menu - 7/03/2015

open market Well  I am back for another week and I feel so fortunate to be able to create and cook so much from our fantastic market.

This week we have a mixed bag of seasonal goodies, heirloom tomatoes and beans from certified organic Waikouaiti gardens, organic turnips and red onions from Brydone Organics, carrots and beetroot from our local Mcarthurs Berry Farm.  Havoc pork have a special on eye bacon so I will be cooking a lot of irresistible bacon and maybe I will even sandwich it between some of Gilberts bread.  Harwarden Organics have a wide range of stoned fruit available but I thought we should celebrate the 'mighty peach' while they are still juicy and in season.  I also will be marinating some of Evansdale Cheese fresh curds which as you know I use to use daily up at Delicacy.  And to finish I also have some highlander potatoes and sweet/tangy tomatoes from Kakanui Produce which I will be combining to cook the delicious recipe of baked tomatoes and potatoes I had in the newspaper on Wednesday.

Look forward to seeing you at the market and of course do come by the mobile kitchen to try my tasty recipes.



potato and tomato

This dish fits nicely into the season, main crop potatoes have arrived and home-grown tomatoes are good for cooking.

Serves 4-6


1 large onion, sliced

4 Tbsp olive oil

Pinch of salt

4 cloves garlic, sliced thinly

500g waxy potatoes, such as desiree or Nadine, peeled and cut into 1/2cm rounds

600g large tomatoes, sliced

200g olives, stoned removed (optional)

1 cup vegetable stock (approx.)

2 tsp thyme, oregano or rosemary, finely chopped

Generous pinch ground cinnamon

Handful of parsley and basil leaves, roughly torn or chopped

Salt and freshly ground pepper

Parmesan or pecorino cheese to finish

Extra virgin olive oil to serve


Preheat the oven to 200C

In a large heavy based pan, add the oil and onions and a generous pinch of salt and cook until soft and sweet about 10 minutes.

Add the garlic and add to the onions, add the thyme, oregano or rosemary and stir through.

Layer the potato slices over the base of medium to large oven dish, season lightly with salt and pepper. Now cover with the melt onions and garlic, sprinkle over the olives if using and finally finish with the tomato rounds.

Drizzle over any remaining oil. Add the cinnamon to the stock and pour over the potatoes and tomatoes. Cover tightly with foil as this will allow to cook through before getting too caramelised, this will take about 35 minutes. Remove the foil and continue to cook for another 10-15 minutes or until lovely and golden and sticky.

To serve, grate over plenty of parmesan or pecorino cheese and I like to add little a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil to finish.


This combination is nothing new but it works so well and it is a great way of encouraging people to try the ‘mighty’ turnip

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1kg carrots, trimmed and cut lengthways in half

600g turnips, peeled and halved, keeping the inside leaves of the tops

50g butter

1 Tbsp honey

50ml water

1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

1 Tbsp chopped parsley

Sea salt and black pepper


Put all the ingredients for the carrots except the vinegar and parsley in a heavy-based pan and place over a high heat until the mixture is simmering away. Add the turnips and turn the heat right down, covering the pan and cook for about 10 minutes, frequently checking and stirring the carrots to make sure they don’t stick and burn. When the carrots are almost cooked, uncover the pan, increase the heat slightly and stir in the turnip tops and balsamic vinegar. Cook for 3 minutes, then turn off the heat and stir in the parsley


peaches (800x533) (640x426)

Serves 2


4 peaches, halved and stones removed

12 gingernuts, crushed

2 Tbsp honey, extra for drizzling

Good dash sweet white wine (dessert if possible)

Raw cane sugar for sprinkling


Preheat the oven to 180C

Melt the butter in a saucepan, but do not let it brown, add the crushed biscuits and honey with a dash of wine. Place a heaped spoonful onto the cut side of the peach and place on baking tray.

Sprinkle with a little sugar and a little honey if desired.

Bake in the oven for 15-30 minutes or until they are golden and tender.

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Something’s in life need not change and this classic combination is one of them – pure and simple!

Serves 4


350g green beans

1 shallot, finely diced

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 Tbsp red wine vinegar

3 Tbsp olive oil or any good quality oil

Sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper

Small handful parsley, roughly chopped


Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil.

Make the dressing by adding the mustard and vinegar together and whisk in the oil gradually as we are wanting this dressing to be thick so it clings to the beans. Add the diced shallots and season lightly. Set aside.

Trim the ends of the beans. When all done plunge them into the boiling water and boil for 3 minutes or until tender. This is one of the rare times I cook them a little more.

As soon as they are cooked to your liking drain and refresh immediately under cold running water. Drain.

Mix the beans, parsley and dressing together and combine so all the beans are coated thickly with the dressing. Best eaten at room temperature.



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As you know I use these curds on throughout the year and I seem to find a use for them no matter the occasion.

By adding a few aromatics, oil and a little patience you will be rewarded with not only with infused cheese you also get infused oil which I use on salads, dip bread into and roast my potatoes in.


Good quality fresh curds or feta

Sprigs fresh thyme, rosemary or bayleaves

Peppercorns or chillies

Preserved lemons (optional)

Good quality olive oil


Use a clean, sterilised jar.

The cheese can be cubed, or left whole. Stack the curd cheese into the jar, and add lots of branches of thyme and rosemary (is using), add a bay leaf or two if desired and now add peppercorns or dried chillies or flakes. However do note that it isn’t good to add raw garlic as it can cause your tummy to get a little upset.

Pour over enough olive oil until the cheese is submerged.

Sealed and store in the fridge if cheese is submerged for a good two weeks or leave at room temperature for a couple of days only.




Not much needs to be said about how much we love bacon, so today I will be simply cooking Havoc’s exceptional eye bacon which will surely make you hungry. I will not only give you a taster but I will be adding it to pretty much everything I have on the menu today.


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WAIKOUATI GARDENS – certified organic heirloom tomatoes and beans

HAVOC BACON – eye bacon (special $20 1kg)

EVANSDALE CHEESE – fresh curds

KAKANUI PRODUCE – highlander potatoes, tomatoes, spring onions




BRYDONE ORGANICS – turnips, red onions