KEFTAS  are simply little minced meat balls/sausage shape which can be cooked on a skewer if desired. The flavours will vary from country to country, some dried spices combined with an array of fresh herbs and simple cooked on the BBQ are a tasty meal served with some flat breads, tzatziki and salad. Perfect!
Makes 12-14

600g minced beef or lamb
1 onion, grated
3-4 fresh parsley sprigs
2-3 fresh coriander sprigs
1-2 fresh mint sprigs
½ tsp cumin, ground
½ tsp mixed spice
1 tsp paprika
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

In a large bowl add the minced meat and grated onion.

Finely chop together the parsley, coriander and mint together and add to the mince. Add the spices and season with salt and pepper. Mix well, I recommend using your hands so you can combine all the ingredients well.

Get a bowl with a little water. Dip your hands into the water to help mould the mince into small sausage shapes. You can skewer them if desired. Refrigerate until required.

To cook them heat up your BBQ or grill on your oven to medium-hot, drizzle the koftes with a little oil and sprinkling of salt and pepper. Cook until golden and just cooked. Squeeze over a little lemon juice and serve immediately.

Try them with the radish tzatziki and some flat breads!