Otago Farmers Market chef Alison Lambert is embarking on the next stage in her culinary journey.

Alison Lambert has purchased Delicacy Café in Maori Hill. Combining her passion for seasonal, fresh produce and baking with great coffee, this suburban cafe will be open 7 days.

In addition to contemporary café dining, Alison will be extending her popular Food Club cooking classes and encouraging people back into the kitchen with practical ideas and advice. "We are so lucky to live in an area where the choice and varieties are ever changing," Alison says. “My aim is to maximise the taste and textures that seasonal produce give you and encourage people to get back into the kitchen and experiment."

With over 20 years’ experience, Alison has worked throughout Europe with chefs including Jamie Oliver and spent a year at River Café before resettling back in Dunedin and working at the Otago Farmers Market for the past four years.  But Alison says her passion for food started at home with her mother teaching her and her siblings from a young age.  “My Mum taught me the basic skills and techniques that I still use today. Food was the centre of, and the means to connect our family.”

Opening on June 24, we invite you to join us at Delicacy by Alison Lambert.

Frequently asked questions:

  • Will Alison still feature at the Farmers Market?

Of course - this is the pantry of inspiration and connection with the growers. This will help shape the menus each week and be suppliers to the café.

  • Will the cafe do evening dining?

It is intended to commence evening dining from September. In the interim, fresh food can be packaged up and taken away and bookings are being taken for private dining.

  • Where can I register for more information on Food Club lessons?

Email Alison, alison.lambert@xtra.co.nz

For more information contact Trish Oakley, 021 796 261