otago farmers market mobile kitchen menu - 13/4/2013

otago farmers market mobile kitchen menu - 13/4/2013

IMG_3917 (640x417) With the oncoming cooler months a head we start to want more satisfying food and ingredients.  Thankfully with the farmers market we get to see first hand what is in season and this will help with your menu planning.  Soups instantly come to mind as a pot of simmering soup is always appreciated.  Fennel is crisp, plump and ready for adding to any number of dishes, don't forget it goes particularly well with pork and fish.  It also combines perfectly with potatoes, cream and a touch of parmesan or with a simply squeeze of lemon. 

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Harwarden Organics has a fantastic array of wine grapes and these are intense and juicy.  Make the most of them as they will be here and gone before we know it.  Havoc are supplying the kitchen this week with pork scotch-fillet and bacon so I have teamed this up with a touch of cider from Green man and garlic from the garlic man (Kutash Organics).  Raspberries are still hanging on so with the help of Donald from Bulters Berries they will be turned into a little pudd.

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See you all soon at the mobile kitchen.


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Fennel is still a hidden gem in our cuisine and one that with a little confidence can truly bring a whole new meaning to flavour! Fennel loves pork, cheese, chicken and of course fish.

Serves 2

2 heads fresh fennel and the leaves

25g butter

1 clove garlic, sliced thinly

Small knob of fresh ginger, sliced thinly

¼ cup white wine or water

25 g freshly grated parmesan cheese

2-4 Tbsp fresh breadcrumbs or panko crumbs

4 Tbsp fresh cream

Salt and freshly ground pepper

1 – 2 tsp fresh fennel leaves


Preheat the oven 180C

Place a heat proof oven dish which can handle direct heat onto the stove and heat gently, add the butter and allow to bubble.  Remove any fennel leaves from the fennel and cut the fennel bulb in half from top to bottom, removing any discoloured leaves.  Place the cut side of the fennel directly into butter and allow this side to go a sticky golden colour (about 5 minutes).  Add the ginger and garlic and turn over the fennel, sprinkle with salt and pepper and scattering of fennel leaves.  Pour in the wine or water and cover loosely with foil.

Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes or until the fennel is tender. Remove the foil and discard.

Sprinkle over the breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese, drizzle over the cream and grind a little more pepper over it all.  Place under a hot grill for 5 minutes or until the top is bubbling, golden and crisp!

Sprinkle over a little more fennel leaves and serve immediately.

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This I know may sound a little crazy roasting grapes, but it works surprisingly well.  Harwarden Organics have wine grapes of different varieties such as pinot noir, muscat and Gewurztraminer which are fantastic and when roasted the sugars seem to intensify and make these little morsels explode with flavour.

Roasted Grapes Pre-heat the oven to 200C

Take a small cluster of red, seedless grapes and gently toss it in a bowl with 1 tsp. of extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Place cluster on a baking tray and roast for 8-10 minutes. The grapes will puff-up, darken in spots, and begin to blister. Serve with a good cheese, fresh bread or simply on their own.

Enjoy them while they're still warm!



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Well the weather has changed and so are the dishes, gone are the salads and here are the soups.  This have a few warming spices in it to make a change from the norm.

1kg pumpkin, chopped roughly, but evenly

1 Tbsp oil

1 onion, medium

2 cloves garlic, sliced

½ tsp ginger, sliced thinly

½ tsp Cumin Seeds

2 Tsp Curry Powder

1 Vegetable Stock Cube

2 cups water approximately

Salt, to taste

Freshly ground pepper

2 Tbsp fresh coriander

Natural yoghurt for serving (optional)


Add the oil to a large heavy-based pot and add the cumin seeds first and let pop, add the ginger, garlic and onion and saute until light brown.

Add pumpkin pieces and sauté for a further two minutes, add the curry powder and mix well.  Add enough water to just cover pumpkin, add stock and coriander stalks. Cover with lid and cook for 20 minutes or until pumpkin is tender.

Cool soup a little and blend until smooth.  Return to clean pot and adjust seasoning and consistency. Simmer for 3-4 minutes or until hot add chopped coriander and serve with a little dollop of yoghurt is desired.


This dish is delicious and a bit more involved than I usually do but when you have fantastic pork combined with fantastic garlic it makes a fantastic meal!

Serves 6

18 garlic cloves

8-10 Tbsp olive oil

6 rashers bacon

6 x 200g portions of pork scotch fillet or something similar

175 ml white wine

6 sage leaves, (or thyme, fresh bay leaves work just as well).

25g unsalted butter (cold)

Salt and pepper


Place the whole garlic in a small pot and cover with the olive oil, cook over a very low heat for about 40 minutes, until the garlic is tender.  Remove the pan from the heat and set aside to cool.  Then remove the garlic with a slotted spoon and set aside.  Reserve the garlic-flavoured oil.

Heat two tablespoons of oil in another fry pan and add the lightly seasoned pork steaks, and bacon.  Brown on both sides of pork and bacon and add the white wine, sage leaves and bring to the boil and cook until reduced.  Add half the butter and cook for a further 5 minutes, then season with salt and pepper.

To serve – Warm up your plates and place one scotch fillet on each plate along with a rasher bacon, drizzle over the sauce and sprinkle over the garlic.  Serve immediately.

It would be great with the fennel!

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Serves 4

40g rolled oats

2 Tbsp brown sugar

200g raspberries, fresh or frozen (defrosted)

250ml cream, lightly whipped

200ml greek yoghurt

2 Tbsp runny honey

2 Tbsp malt whisky (optional)


Scatter the rolled oats over a baking tray and sprinkle over the brown sugar, mix lightly to combine and place under a hot grill for a few minutes until it smells warm and nutty and the sugar starts to caramelise.  Remove and set aside.

Crush 100g of raspberries with a fork. Whip the cream until thick, then stir in the yoghurt and honey also add the whisky if using. Add the crushed raspberries, stirring gently, then the same weight of whole raspberries. Lastly, fold in the toasted oatmeal and spoon into small glasses.


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Alison would like to thank the following vendors for their fantastic produce

ROSEDALE ORCHARDS – pumpkin and corn

BYRDONE ORGANICS -  fennel and seasonal vegetables

HARWARDEN ORGANICS – variety of grapes

HAVOC PORK – scotch fillet and bacon

KUTASH GALIC – garlic bulbs and horseradish

GREEN MAN – organic craft beer and cider