Just thought i should mention that my second edition of the Farmers Market Cookbook is still for sale at the market.  I have written these little books to assist with the ever changing availability of produce.  I have found one of the most common problem people have is really understanding what is in season and when.  Thanks to the "supermarkets" with their consistent supply of produce, we are led to believe that most vegetables and fruits are available all year round, when obviously it couldn't be further from the truth!  It may shock some of you but strawberries are not available all year round nor green beans or apples for that matter.  I have always been passionate about local and seasonal produce and now working so closely with the growers thanks to my work with the Farmers Market i have so much respect and desire to get everyday people like yourselves to realise just how good food can taste when freshly picked, pulled or dug. 

I am frantically trying to write the next edition ( i am a little behind thanks to the person who stole my computer some months back). The book is only $10.00 and available from the Otago Farmers Market.