Every year i do the same, i plant a few zucchini, squash plants.  Thinking to myself i can't wait too do this dish and that dish, and then all of a sudden i have zucchinis sprouting every where.  Which is not a bad thing, it just means i have to be on the ready with numerous ideas of using them up.  This is just one of many, i like the simplicity and vibrancy of this delicious dish.

Zucchinis from the garden


This is simple, seasonal and delicious, try it with some toasted sourdough bread, or perhaps some pan fried fillets of fish and aioli.
Serves 4

8 medium size zucchinis, try different varieties and colours
Handful of fresh mint leaves
75g or more if desired of good quality goats feta cheese
1-2 lemons
100ml extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Heat a griddle pan or barbecue up very hot.
While that is heating up slice the zucchinis length ways 5mm thick. Set aside.
Grate the zest of one lemon and add the juice to a small bowl. Add the olive oil, season with salt and pepper, add the mint leaves and taste. You are wanting a fresh, zesty dressing.
Once the grill or pan is hot, place the zucchini strips single layer on the grill or pan. Cook for about 1 minute, if the grill is hot enough it should leave a lovely charred effect. Turn over and briefly cook the other side of the zucchinis. Do not over cook them, as they should have some texture. Once cooked place the zucchini strips directly onto a nice serving dish, add the dressing and sprinkle over the crumbled goats cheese. Toss gently to combine everything together. Enjoy.

Sunshine on a plate