We have returned from a few magical days away.  Central Otago is pretty special, it has endless breathtaking scenery, mountains that go from the waters edge to what looks like the top of the world, the many lakes are a glistening turquoise blue and the air is so pure and fresh your body just seems to feel at one with it all.  Apart from the many vineyards offering world class pinot's and orchards selling world class stone fruits there is a lot to do. 
If you haven't yet had the pleasure i would recommend this rare, spiritual region of New Zealand.

The pictures say it all, happy holidays!!

Lake Wanaka

Lake Wanaka

A few pictures of my children on holiday.




I am back to the Farmers Market this weekend and i have unbelievable produce to use, i can't wait to get cooking again. I will also be back on track with the blog, a lot of beautiful food to cook and devour.
Summer/Autumn Cookbook will be available soon