My daughter and I were rummaging through the cupboards trying to get some inspiration to create something sweet yet kinda healthy?
We found some dates, (healthy variety ) of cocoa pops and some peanut butter. We ended up creating our version of the classic ‘rice crispy cake’ but with a sugar free, gluten free, dairy free version which I have to admit is damn delicious. So I thought I should share this with you all. You can substitute the coco pops with rice bubbles or puffed rice, you could add tahini or other nut butters instead of the peanut butter. This is one of those recipes you can add your cupboard treats due to lockdown restrictions!
Makes 16 bars
200g coco pops or rice crispies
165g soft dates, stones removed
3 Tbsp peanut butter / nut butter or tahini
80g coconut oil
3 Tbsp plant based milk (oat/almond/coconut)
180g dark chocolate
1 Tbsp coconut oil
Put the coco pops into a large mixing bowl.
Line a 20cm x 10 cm dish with baking paper
Place the dates and peanut butter in a food processor and blend until smooth.
Melt the coconut oil. With the food processor runninlg, slowly pour into warm coconut oil. Blend until well combined.
Pour into the coco pops and stir well to combine.
Press firmly into your tin and refrigerate until set (30 minutes).
Break up the chocolate, add the coconut oil and melt over a double boiler until smooth.
Pour over the coco pop slice, sprinkle with sea salt flakes and refrigerate until set.
Cut into 16 even sized bars. Best kept in the fridge.
Will last 7 days.