REWENA PARAOA (maori potato bread)

Rewena Paraoa is a traditional Maori bread made with a natural fermentation of rewa (potato). This gives the bread an almost sourdough flavour and a firm texture. It can be made at home easily, just allow a couple of days to get the rewa (potato) to get bubbling.
This bread is traditionally eaten alongside boil-ups, stews, and the more traditionally cooked hangi. However, we found it is also scrumptious simply toasted with lots of butter.
Makes 2 loaves
Rewa starter
1 c white flour
3 medium (organic) potatoes, peeled and roughly diced
1 tsp sugar
Put the potatoes into a suitable sized saucepan and add enough water to just cover the potatoes, cover with a lid. Bring to the boil, then reduce to a gentle simmer. Cook the potatoes until tender enough to mash.
Mash the potatoes with any remaining water that may be left in the pot. Set aside
When the potatoes have cooled to a lukewarm temperature, add the flour and sugar. Mix together to make a firm dough.
Cover and leave in a warm place to ferment for at least 1 -2 days.
Bread ingredients
5 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 ½ cup warm water (approx)
Preheat the oven to 220C
Lightly grease either 2 x large loaf tins for 2 baking trays
In a large bowl, sift the flour and salt together.
Make a well in the centre and add the rewa (potato) starter, which will be bubbly and yeasty smelling.
Sprinkle the baking soda over the rewa and stir to combine.
Add 1 cup of warm water and stir to combine. You are wanting a soft, pliable dough. If you are finding the dough too firm and tight, add a little more water.
Lightly dust a bench with flour and turn out the dough.
Knead for 10 minutes. Lightly grease a deep bowl, place in the dough, cover and let prove until doubled in size (1-2 hours).
Turn the dough out once again onto your floured workbench. Knock out the air and knead once again for a couple of minutes.
Divide into 2 even sized balls.
Place into the grease tins or shape into 2 large rounds.
Let prove until doubled in size
Cook for 5 minutes at 220C then reduce the temperature to 200C and continue cooking the bread for 20 minutes or until golden in colour and crunchy crust. Tap the surface of the bread and it should have a hollow sound.
Cool in tin for 5 minutes then turn out and cool.