Popcorn is a great snack in so many ways! It’s quick inexpensive and can be made before hand. It can be seasoned sweet or savoury depending on the night!


4-6 Servings


150g Kale, stalks removed

1 Tbsp olive oil

Sea salt


3 Tbsp canola oil

½  cup popcorn kernels

1 tsp unrefined sugar (this helps the chilli to stick)

2-3 Tbsp butter (depending on how buttery you would like it)

1-2 tsp chilli powder

1-2 tsp sea salt flakes (to taste)


Begin by drying the kale in the oven.  Preheat the oven to 150C

Coat the leaves in the oil and toss with a little sea salt.

Arrange in a single layer on a large baking sheet.

Bake for 10-15 minutes or until crisp.

Cool completely, either grind finely or coarse. Set aside.

To make the popcorn, coat the bottom of a large pot with canola oil, pour in the popcorn kernels, and cover. Place over medium high-heat. When you hear the first kernels pop, begin to shake until all the corn is popped. When you no longer hear popping, remove from heat and transfer to a large bowl.

While waiting for the popcorn to pop, melt the butter and stir in the chilli.

Drizzle over the popcorn and toss, seasoning with the kale flakes and a little extra salt if desired.