I am using nectarines for this recipe, but of course you can use any stone fruit.
Serves 4
Chia pudding
¼ cup chia seeds (black,white or both)
1 x 330 ml tin coconut cream
¼ cup coconut water
1-2 Tbsp coconut sugar
4 nectarines, cut in half and stones removed
Oil for brushing
1 lime, juice
1 Tbsp coconut sugar
2 Tbsp coconut chips, lightly toasted
Make the chia pudding first as this needs to set. Simply combine the coconut cream, water, sugar and chia seeds together. Pour into either 4 individual dishes or 1 large. Set in the fridge for at least 1 hour or overnight. It will thicken and set.
To grill the nectarines - Heat a barbecue to high heat.
Brush the nectarines lightly with a little oil, place the cut side of the nectarine directly onto the barbecue and grill until golden-brown (1-2 minutes). Turn and cook for a further 1-2 minutes. Transfer to a plate, sprinkle with the coconut sugar and squeeze of lime juice. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 5-10 minutes.
Serve the grilled nectarines with the coconut chia puddings, drizzle over any juices and sprinkle with coconut chips.