Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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Spring is in the air and spring onions seem perfectly fresh and crisp to work with this season.

Serves 4

4 eggs

½ cup flour or gluten free flour

½ cup chickpea flour (if available or substitute with flour)

2 tsp baking powder

1 cup cold soda water

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Salt and pepper to taste

4 bunches spring onions

4 Tbsp good quality oil for cooking


¼ cup unsweetened yogurt

2 Tbsp sour cream

1 Tbsp tahini paste

Lemon juice to taste

Lemon wedges to serve

Pinch salt


To begin you need to toast the chickpea flour in a dry fry pan over a moderate to low heat so that the flour lightly toasts, this will remove any bitterness from the flour. Set aside to cool.

In a medium bowl, add the eggs, flour, chickpea flour, baking powder, water, cheese and a pinch each of salt and pepper and whisk well to combine. Add the spring onions and stir to combine.

Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large fry pan.

Use a dessert spoon and carefully drop spoonful of mixture (holding the spoon so the tip faces into the pan) into the hot oil. Cook until golden brown on the first side then flip to brown on the other side (approx. 3 minutes each side).

Remove from the oil and drain on kitchen paper. Keep warm. Repeat with the remaining batter until finished.

To make the dressing mix all the ingredients together, taste and adjust lemon or seasoning. Chill until needed.

To serve; serve the spring onion fritters with the tahini yoghurt and plenty of lemon wedges.