Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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Now that the evenings are getting lighter and the sun higher we are thinking BBQ’s and Havoc’s plump sausages work a treat, but let’s mix it up with a fresh, crisp salad like the one below.


Serves 4

4-8 pork and fennel sausages

Apple and fennel salad

30 ml olive oil

1/3 cup cider vinegar

2 tsp sugar

1 clove garlic, finely chopped

2 tsp yellow mustard seeds

2 shallots, or 1 medium red onion, finely diced

1 bulb fennel, finely sliced

2 tsp fennel leaves, roughly chopped

2 tart apples, cored and cut into wedges


Preheat the BBQ or Grill in the oven to medium-hot.

Place the plump sausage directly onto the grill and cook rotating often so that they are golden all over and cooked through (12-15 minutes).

Whilst they are cooking make the salad: Begin by making the dressing, adding the oil, vinegar, sugar, mustard seeds and garlic together in a medium sized bowl. Stir to combine and set aside.

As soon as you cut the apples place directly into the dressing and toss to coat (this will help discolouration.  Continue by adding the finely sliced fennel, shallots or red onion and fennel leaves.  Season lightly with sea salt flakes and stir gently.

To serve place the cooked pork and fennel sausages onto a platter and serve with the crisp, fragrant salad alongside.  As simple as that!