Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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So much has happened lately.  For us here in New Zealand we are coming to terms with such extreme devastation to lives and life in Christchurch.  It has hit all New Zealanders in ways which i can't describe.  Perhaps because our country is so small, we all seem to know someone who has been affected by the Earthquake, and we all seem very connected to Christchurch as a city.  I am aware that there is not a lot one can do except offer unconditional support and lots of love. 

I am still awaiting a replacement for my stolen computer, and i am sure i will be waiting for quite a bit longer now as there are more urgent matters on hand.  I have had mixed emotions about not having a computer on hand.  For one i have loads more time which was happily spent with the family, although i have found life exhausting as i do a lot of writing these days and i have had to even revert to paper and pen a few times....crazy!

Anyway i having been dying to get a few posts up as the summer produce is disappearing fast.  I have too start afresh with all my recipes and photos as they all were with the computer.  But hey sometimes a new beginning isn't all that bad.

TOMATOES - soil grown, sun ripened and juicy sweet.  So many ways to eat them, where to start.......

This tomato was picked from my parents crop.  It weighed in at 600gm! I had never seen a tomato that big before, it was however picked from the Big Beef variety.  One slice fitted perfectly in my daughters sandwich for lunch.

serves 2

500g sun ripened tomatoes, roughly chopped
25 g butter
1 red chilli, deseeded and sliced thinly
1 clove garlic, sliced thinly
1 onion, sliced thinly
fresh coriander or basil
few drops fish sauce (optional)
salt and freshly cracked pepper

2 slices good quality bread toasted and rubbed lightly with garlic

2 free range eggs
olive oil for frying

In a medium pot melt the butter and cook the onion, and garlic until soft (3-5 minutes), add the chopped tomatoes and chilli.  Cook gently until the tomatoes burst and the sauce starts to thicken.  Add a few drops fish sauce, season lightly with salt, be a little more generous with the pepper.  Add the coriander and cook for a further two minutes.  Turn down the heat and set aside.

If you haven't already, toast the bread on both sides, rub lightly with garlic and drizzle over a little extra virgin olive oil.  Place on a warm plate.

In a fry pan heat enough oil to fry the eggs.  Add the eggs carefully and fry until crispy around the edges of the white.  Place a generous amount of tomatoes on the toast and place the fried egg on top.  Scatter a few more coriander leaves and a little chilli over the dish.  Great for breakfast/brunch!