Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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Brocoli (2)

When onions are roasted they become sweet and juicy and I love the marriage of fragrant thyme, sweet balsamic and to finish them off smothered in fresh Evansdale curds.

Serves 4

4 Medium to small red onions, skin on

8 sprigs fresh thyme

4 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

Olive oil

Sea salt flakes

Freshly cracked black pepper

80g fresh curd cheese or mozzarella


Preheat the oven to 180C

Place the whole onion in a snug oven dish and drizzle with a little oil, balsamic vinegar, thyme leaves and season well.

Bake between 40 minutes to 1 hour or until the onions are tender.

Remove from the oven when done and peel away the crisp outer leaves of the onion and discard. Now peel away the layers of the onion so it sort of resembles a flower, place the curds in the centre, spoon over the balsamic, oil juices and return back to the oven to melt the cheese.

These are delicious served with a good piece of toast and a peppery rocket salad or alongside a steak.