Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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This sandwich contains that magic combination of fresh tomato with peppery, fragrant leaves and all brought together with warm, melting creamy curds.

Serves 1-2

75- 100g fresh curds

¼ tsp lemon zest

1 squeeze lemon juice

To taste sea salt and cracked pepper

4 slices day old white bread

20g butter

2 tomatoes, sliced into thin rounds

20g rocket leaves

4-6 basil leaves torn


Put the fresh curds into a bowl and marinate for a few minutes with the lemon zest, lemon juice, salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper.

Flatten the slices of bread using a rolling pin, and then butter each slice thinly. Place two of the slices, butter side down on top of a chopping board and divide the marinated curds between them. Add the torn basil and rocket leaves and 2-3 rounds of tomatoes. Top with the other slice of bread – butter side facing up and gently fry the sandwiches in a heavy based frying pan over a moderate heat until they are golden on both sides.

Remove and cut in half or fingers and serve immediately.