Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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Otago Farmers Market Mobile Kitchen Menu - 28/09/2013

photo (1) (640x640) Yes I'm back and the Port Chalmers Seafood Festival was fantastic and great to see so many seafood lovers out there!

On the menu today we have Cos lettuce back and I will be making the mighty classic Caesar Salad.  This salad comprises of a few components and a bit of preparation but worth all the effort.  I am also going to show you yet another great dish with Savoy Cabbage and this one I created at the café (Delicacy) when thinking of what to put with pasta.  The combination of the sweet, crisp cabbage, creamy ricotta and warming pasta works so, so well.

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Wild garlic is in season and it can be used in so many ways ( just mind where you forage it from)! Leeks are still widely available and they team up really well with the fresh pungent garlic and they are going to make delicious little fritters.

I am also experimenting a bit with Ocho's chocolate nibs which when eaten on their own they can be a bit dark and bitter, but when combined in a dish they come alive.  Today I whipped them through coffee and brown sugar enhanced meringues. 

Have a great day and do drop by the mobile kitchen and say hi. 

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This dish happened by chance up at the café as I had just got word from the grower that savoy cabbages were in season.  Combining this fresh crisp vegetable with creamy ricotta and warming pasta works so well.  You can add bacon if you want mix it up a bit.

Serves 4

200g fresh ricotta

1 clove garlic

2 sprigs fresh thyme, removed from stalk

½ lemon, zest only

2 Tbsp freshly grated parmesan cheese

Sea salt flakes and freshly ground pepper

2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

400g fresh lasagne sheets, torn into rough squares

1 savoy cabbage (500g)

Freshly grated parmesan cheese for serving


Bring a large deep pot of heavily salted water to the boil.

Meanwhile make the ricotta paste. Squash the garlic clove and add the thyme leaves and chop together so the two combine and the garlic is almost to a paste. Add to a bowl along with the ricotta, lemon zest, parmesan and olive oil, season lightly with salt and pepper and mix well to combine. Set aside.

To prepare the cabbage, remove any tough outer leaves and discard, cut the cabbage in half and remove tough centre core.  Cut the cabbage into large 4-5cm square pieces, set aside.

When the pot of water is boiling start by adding the pasta pieces.  I suggest that you read the label about cooking time but if the pasta is fresh it should only take a couple of minutes.  Stir the pasta to prevent sticking and to keep it moving.  After 1 ½ minutes add the cabbage and stir to combine.  Allow to cook for a further 2 minutes or until just tender.  Drain the cabbage and pasta but keep aside ½ cup of cooking liquor.

Place the cooked pasta and cabbage into a large bowl and add the ricotta and 2 tablespoons of the cooking water.  Season with salt and pepper and a few gratings of parmesan cheese, stir lightly to combine.  If the pasta is looking dry add another 1-2 tablespoons of water and stir again, you are wanting the ricotta to loosen up and to lightly coat the pasta and cabbage.  Taste and adjust seasoning and parmesan cheese if needed.

Either served in individual bowls or in one large bowl in middle of table. Always serve with plenty of fresh parmesan cheese.


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When it comes to classic salads like this one, you just have to do it right and it all starts with crisp lettuce and it must be Cos, the dressing must be anchovy based and a handful of crunchy croutons add texture, bacon adds a smokiness and sharp shavings of parmesan complete it! Perfect!

Serves 2


4 slices streaky bacon

2 slices day old bread, sour dough or ciabatta, torn into bite sized pieces

2 heads cos (romaine) lettuce, based removed and leaves separated and torn in half

150g parmesan, half finely grated and half shaved using a peeler

2 free-range eggs, boiled to your liking (soft is better)

4-6 anchovy fillets (optional)


1 clove garlic, peeled

2 egg yolks

2 tsp lemon juice or white wine vinegar

2 tsp dijon mustard

4 anchovy fillets

3 tsp Worcestershire sauce

1 cup rice bran or vegetable oil


This salad requires a bit of preparation beforehand but it is worth the effort.

Begin by preheating the grill of your oven to hot.

Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper and lay the bacon in single layer.  Grill until crisp and golden on both sides (about 5 minutes) Remove the bacon and set aside to cool.  Using the same tray place the torn bread croutons and toss in the bacon fat.  Lower the oven rack and grill gently until the bread is golden, crisp and has dried out a little.  Remove and cool.

To soft boil your eggs, place a deep suitable sized pot on with enough water to generously cover the eggs.  When the water is boiling add the eggs carefully and set timer to 4.30 minutes. When the water returns to the boil start timer.  Once the time is up remove immediately and run cold water over them to cool. Drain and peel. Set aside.

Dressing – put the yolks, garlic, mustard, lemon juice or vinegar, anchovies, and Worcestershire sauce into either a food processor bowl or use a hand blender and blend until thick and combined.  Add oil, drop by drop whilst whisking until it thickens and stabilises, continue until all the oil is used. Taste and add a little ground pepper and salt if necessary.

To assemble – Place the leaves, ½ the croutons, ½ the parmesan cheese, and ½ the dressing together in a large bowl.  Toss lightly to combine if salad is looking too dry add more dressing.  Place onto large platter or individual plates, scatter over remaining croutons, bacon, anchovy fillets and cut egg in half and place onto salad, grate over more parmesan and sprinkle over shavings.

Eat immediately or the lettuce will wilt.


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Wild garlic is flourishing at the moment with a little foraging it adds a wonderful fresh note for this time of the year!

Serves 4

250g leeks, finely sliced, use green parts too

6 wild garlic leaves, finely shredded

30g butter

3-4 eggs, beaten

125g ricotta or cottage cheese

25 g freshly grated parmesan cheese

salt + pepper


Melt the butter in a small to medium frying pan. Add the leeks and gently cook for 8-10 mins, until soft.

Add the wild garlic leaves and cook for another 2 mins. Mix the beaten egg with the ricotta or cottage cheese add the leeks and combine. Season with salt and pepper and drop generous spoonfuls of mixture into moderately hot pan with the melted butter.

Cook for 2-3 mins then carefully flip and continue on other side. Keep warm in oven and continue until all the mixture is used up.

Served with squeeze of fresh lemon.


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MAKES 6 Large

3 large egg whites (85g)

70g brown sugar

125g white sugar

2 tsp cocoa nibs

1 tsp  instant coffee granules

1 tsp cocoa for dusting

Fresh nutmeg for dusting


Preheat oven to 110C

Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper

Place a medium saucepan of water over gentle heat and bring to a simmer.  Place egg whites, both sugars in a heatproof bowl (I use my bowl from my mixer saves mucking about), ensuring it doesn’t come into direct contact with water.  Add the coffee and stir to break up the egg whites and mix in the sugar.

Heat for approximately five minutes or until a thermometer reaches 40C

Remove from the heat and place onto your mixer with whisk attachment and whisk until the mixture has cooled (approx 8 minutes). Fold through the freshly grated nutmeg and cocoa nibs.

Using a dessert spoon place large dollops of mixture upright on the tray.  I like to have mixture sticking up I places so when it cooks it will have pointy and crisp parts to them. Dust with cocoa and place into preheated oven.

Cook for approximately 1 hour, then turn oven off and leave door closed until oven has gone cold.  They will last in air tight container for 2-3 days.

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OCOHO CHOCOLATE - chocolate nibs

SUNRISE BAKERY - fresh baked goods


BRYDONE ORGANICS - savoy cabbage