Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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Carrots are juicy, sweet and bright! When they are simply grated and served raw with a tasty dressing they are become even more scrumptious!

Serves 4

500g, carrots coarsely grated (about 4 cups)

¼ cup vegetable oil or extra-virgin olive oil

3 – 4 Tbsp fresh lemon juice

¼ cup chopped fresh corniander, mint or parsley

2 - 4 cloves garlic, minced

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp sweet paprika

Pinch of salt

About ½ tsp harissa (Northwest African chili paste) or any good chilli sauce


In a large bowl, mix together all the ingredients. Cover and let marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 mins to 1 hour!

Great with natural yoghurt with garlic and tahini with a squeeze of lemon juice and some flatbreads!