Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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This fantastic sandwich is a combination of a few of our fantastic vendors

Bread roll – Levitio Bakery

Steak – Waitaki Beef

Gooseberry sauce – Butlers Berries
About 2 tbsp olive oil
700g rump steak, cut into four 2cm thick steaks
Salt and black pepper
4 bread rolls, cut open
8 Tbsp mustard mayonnaise (Recipe below) or simply use mustard and mayo
About ½ a head of  lettuce
4 Tbsp gooseberry sauce or any tangy or hot sauce

Place a ridged griddle pan on a high heat and leave it for several minutes until piping hot (or stoke up the barbecue). Drizzle a tablespoon of olive oil over the meat and season generously with salt and pepper. Rub the seasoning into the meat, then place in the hot pan. Cook for about three minutes on each side for medium, or longer if you prefer it well done. Remove the steaks from the pan and keep them somewhere warm while they rest.
Now place the rolls cut side down in the griddle pan and toast them for a few seconds – take care they don't char too much.
To assemble, spread mayonnaise on both halves of each roll. Line the bottom half with lettuce, spread the sauce over it. Slice the meat on an angle and arrange over the lettuce. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Finish with more lettuce, cover with the other half of the roll, and get your teeth into it..
1 free-range egg
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp grain mustard
2 tbsp cider vinegar
1 crushed garlic clove
½ tsp caster sugar
⅓ tsp salt
350ml sunflower oil


Put the egg, mustards, vinegar, garlic, sugar and salt in a small food processor bowl, start the machine and, while the motor is running, start adding the oil in a slow, steady trickle. Once all the oil is in and the mayonnaise is smooth and thick, transfer to a clean jar, seal and refrigerate. It should keep for up to a week.