Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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This is one of those recipes you make up when you have broccoli going crazy in your garden. If you haven't got a glut of broccoli then i would suggest visiting the farmers market - Brydone Organics have firm, crunchy and super fresh heads of broccoli. 
Chimichurri sauce is one of those fantastic sauces that will lift even the dullest dishes - it goes wonderfully drizzled over seafood, chargrilled chicken and pork or perhaps brushed over whole fish and grilled its also fantastic with some wok fried veg and noodles.  Options are endless. However it works beautifully with broccoli and the addition of the soft poached egg just completes the dish.

Serves 4

2 heads broccoli

1 onion, finely diced

4 free range eggs

4 slices good quality bread – sourdough or ciabatta

Sea salt flakes and freshly ground pepper


1 cup firmly packed fresh flat-leaf parsley, trimmed of thick stems

3-4 garlic cloves

2 Tbsps fresh oregano leaves (can sub 2 teaspoons dried oregano)

1/2 cup olive oil

2 Tbsp red or white wine vinegar

1 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper

1/4 tsp chilli flakes


To make chimichurri sauce - Finely chop the parsley, fresh oregano, and garlic (or process in a food processor). Place in a small bowl.

Stir in the olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, and chilli flakes.  Adjust seasonings.

Serve immediately or refrigerate.  If chilled, return to room temperature before serving.  Will keep for a day or two if refrigerated.

To make soup

Prepare the broccoli first by cutting off the end of the stalk and discarding if dry-looking. Portion up the broccoli into even size pieces utilising any edible looking stalk (as this adds wonderful flavour and texture). half fill a medium size pot with water and bring to the boil.  Add a generous pinch of salt and add the broccoli and stalks – cook for 1-2 minutes or until the broccoli is just tender as you want to preserve as much of the colour as possible.  Remove the broccoli immediately and blend with a ladle or two of cooking liquor until you get a coarse broccoli sauce. Set aside.

In another medium pot add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil add the onion and cook for a few minutes without colouring. Add the chimichurri sauce and cook briefly for minute or two.  Add the cooking water from the broccoli and bring to the boil. Reduce the temperature and add the broccoli, adjust the seasoning and set aside until you poach your eggs and toast your bread.

To toast your bread – either grill on a hot griddle pan or under the grill until golden on both sides. Place in base of warm soup bowl.

To poach eggs - bring a suitable size pan of water to the boil – season with a little salt and a splash of white vinegar.  Carefully break eggs in one at a time and reduce temperature so the eggs poach gently.  Remove the eggs after 1-2 minutes as you want the whites to be firm but the yolks to be runny. Remove with a slotted spoon and place directly onto the toasted bread.

To serve – Gently ladle the hot broccoli soup over the warm poached egg. Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt flakes onto each egg and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and enjoy!