Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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When I cook spinach at home 9 times out of 10 I will always cook it this way and sometimes with a pinch or two of dried chilli flakes. When I was taught to cook spinach like this it was an absolute revelation and it will convert even the most weary spinach eater!

2 large bunches of spinach
Olive oil, extra virgin
3 cloves garlic, sliced
Salt to taste
Freshly ground black pepper

As with most greens you need to wash spinach well – actually I usually give it a good soak in cold water, drain and soak again for a couple minutes. Drain well.

Remove any tough stalks, usually from the large leaves by simply holding the stalk in one hand and firmly pulling the leaf along it. You should end up with just the leaf!

Heat a large fry pan up to hot, add the olive oil and garlic, cook the garlic until it starts to go a light brown colour – you will notice a nutty smell coming from the pan (this is good, it is coming from the garlic). Carefully add the spinach (be careful it splutters a lot) season with salt and freshly ground pepper toss once or twice and you will notice that the spinach has wilted. Take it off the heat drain off any excess moisture and serve with anything you desire.