Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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- Perfect roast potatoes
- Pigs wrapped in blankets (chipolatas wrapped in bacon)
- Glazed baby carrots
- Baby broadbeans and peas
- Steamed asparagus with extra virgin olive oil and sea salt flakes
- Homemade gravy and condiments

Perfect roast potatoes

To make the perfect roast potato you have to have the perfect potato! It is that simple!

1-2 potatoes per-person peeled and cut into halves or quarters depending on size (try to keep them uniformed in size so they can cook evenly).
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
Couple of rosemary sprigs (optional but highly recommended)
Oil, duck fat or dripping

Place your potatoes in a suitable size pot, cover with water and add a generous amount of salt. Bring to the boil then lower temperature to a gentle simmer. Remember to test potatoes after 10 minutes as you only want them half cooked. Remove immediately from the heat and drain carefully. Give them a shake up to ruffle up the edges of your potatoes, this will create the crispy golden edges to your potatoes when cooked!

Cool down on a tray in a single layer until required. (This can be done a day in advance so all you have to do is finish them off).

Preheat oven to 200C

You can scatter them around your roasting dish with the turkey if there is room or otherwise do them separately. If your oven is running out of room and your turkey is cooked then I would suggest removing the turkey, covering it with foil and resting it. Turn up you oven and get roasting….

Place your roasting tray in the oven with enough oil/fat to generously cover the base. Heat up until the oil is very hot (5-10 minutes).

Carefully put your potatoes into the hot oil, season well with salt and pepper add the rosemary or bay leaves (if using) and turn your potatoes so they get coated in the oil. Return back to the oven to roast, turning after about 20 minutes and continue cooking until your potatoes are golden and crispy (15 minutes more –approx).