Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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Sorry posts are a bit sporadic at the moment.  I will be back on track next week! Apples...If like me you probably buy a bag of apples from the market each week.  I am forever seeing varieties i haven't yet tried and "i think to myself that would be good in a pie, salad, baked" catch my drift! Anyway i now have apples sitting in my fruit bowl which are looking a little worse for wear.  However this is when they are superb for cooking.  My mother always made apple puddings in some description and i remembervividly spooning juicy stewed apples over my cereal in the morning. Well this apple shortcake recipe is handed down from my mother and it is very easy to make and a dream to eat. My mother uses this pastry recipe for any number of puddings, slices and biscuits.  It is a great recipe to have up your sleeve.  When apples are finished (which isn't soon) you can simply replace them with any fruit, i particularly love stewed apricots or peaches.

APPLE SHORTCAKE makes 15 servings (approx) Pastry 230g butter 230g sugar 2 egg 2 cups standard flour 2 tsp baking powder

Filling 8-10 apples, peeled, cored and roughly diced 1 lemon, zest and juice 1/2 cup sugar or to taste

Method To make the pastry: You can do this by creaming the butter and sugar in a bowl with a wooden spoon or if feeling a little lazy use a electric mixer.  Once you have a lovely and light and creamy texture with your butter, add the egg and beat once again so it is incorporated well. Sift your dry ingredients and add to the mixture.  Beat in gently until just combined. Turn out onto a lightly floured bench and bring the dough together, wrap in gladwrap and chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Meanwhile to make the filling: Place the apples, sugar, lemon juice and zest into a suitable size pot, place the lid on and heat gently until the apples are soft and fragrant (10 minutes). Set aside and cool down.

Preheat the oven 180C Have a swiss roll tin at the ready (25cm x 15-20cm) Place a large piece of baking paper onto your work bench, dust it lightly with a little flour.  Place 1/2 your dough on it and cover with another piece of greaseproof paper.  Roll out to fit the base of your tin 1/2 cm thick i find will bake into a lovely crust. Before you spread over your stewed apples, give them a little mash if needed and check the amount of liquid as you don't want it to be too wet.  Drain off excess if needed. Spread over your apple mixture evenly across the base of the pastry. Roll out the other half exactly as you did before.  This time roll the dough gently around your rolling pin and unravel carefully over your shortcake.  Gently press into place and trim the edges off with a knife.  Put some small incisions over the surface and a sprinkle of sugar. Bake for 25-35 minutes or until your pastry is a light-golden brown.

Cool in the tin.  It makes a lovely dessert hot or cold with a little whipped cream or it is just as lovely for afternoon tea.

Thanks mum!