Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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I have been trying to focus on a different salad a week to showcase how we can turn the last of the winter/spring crops into lighter and fresher meals. We have such a wide array of produce which makes for endless combinations and tantalising tastes.

This rustic salad is perfect for lunch or a light dinner.
Serves 4

4 handfuls tender baby leaves silverbeet/swiss chard
1 red onion, finely diced
4 thick slices good quality bread, crust removed
200-300g Organic lands sausage meat
1 clove garlic
½ cup extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp white wine vinegar or verjuice
1 lemon
Sprinkle sugar
1 tsp grain mustard
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven 220C

Mix the diced onion with a sprinkle of sugar and juice of half a lemon. Mix to combine and set aside.

Brush both sides of the bread with half the olive oil. Toast on a baking tray in the oven until golden brown, turning after the first side has coloured. Rub toast with cut garlic, then rip into bite-sized pieces and transfer to the bowl with the red onion (don’t worry if the bread soaks up some of the juices as this will only help with end result).

Meanwhile heat a fry pan up to medium heat and with slightly dampened hands mould small bite sized pieces of sausage meat and fry until golden on both sides (2 minutes on each sides).

Add the silverbeet leaves to the bread and onion mix.

Remove the sausage meat when cooked and add to salad. Put the pan back on the heat , add the mustard and vinegar, stir to combine (be careful as it will spit a bit) add the oil and season with salt and pepper. Pour over the salad and toss to combine.

Serve immediately as it will wilt fast!