Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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I always like to share my simple recipes with you all.  If like me and you have some rhubarb saved from the frosts then this is the tart for you! You need to have some get-out-of-jail recipes (as my London mate would say), especially when you need to get a pudding done and you haven't much time.  This one will never let you down and with rhubarb disappearing due to the heavy frost you can substitute it with thinly sliced apples or pears and try gingernuts instead. 
I used ready rolled pastry and peeled the rhubarb into long strips with a potato peeler it looks fantastic and cooks very fast. 


This is such a fantastically simple yet utterly delicious tart.

Serves 6

375 g ready rolled puff pastry or roll puff pastry to a rectangle about 35x25cm
80g amaretti biscuits
500g rhubarb
100g sugar
To serve; whipped cream, vanilla ice cream or good quality custard

Preheat the oven 200C

Unroll the pastry and place it on a well-greased baking sheet that has been lined with greaseproof paper. Fold over the sides to make an edge and press down with a fork. Crumble the amaretti biscuits and scatter over the bottom of the tart.

Cut the rhubarb stems in half, then slice or peel into long thin strips and put into a bowl.

When you are ready to cook the tart, toss the rhubarb in the sugar and immediately stack it on top of the pastry and put it into the oven. If you wait it will start to produce a lot of liquid.

Cook for 35-40 minutes, until the pastry is a light golden colour.

Cut into six even sized rectangles and serve with your desired accompaniment.