Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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The market seemed to be bursting at the seams this Saturday.  Eager shoppers waiting patiently for the vendors to display their produce.  The market is now getting full of sweet summer produce, peaches and apricots were available which is exciting.  I could also smell the sweet perfume of berries wafting through the air.  I have been eating raspberries, cherries and strawberries all day and everyday, life is delicious.There will one more Farmers Market before Christmas, it starts nice and early 8am.  I would advise to be early as it gets absolutely crazy down there.  The wonderful array of produce available is inspiring, it just makes you want to cook.  I will be at the market, although not to cook this week.  I will be available to answer any questions about Xmas dinner and hopefully give you some ideas.  I will also be selling the Farmers Market Cookbook!  See you there on Wednesday 22nd at 8am...


This dip is a great way to use up the older tougher beans.

500g fresh broad beans, podded 1-2 cloves new season garlic 1 lemon Fresh mint Salt Extra virgin olive oil

Bring a pot of water to the boil and add the broad beans, cook for about 5 minutes. Drain and remove the tough outer shells from the beans. Set aside

In a pestle and mortar, pound the garlic, and mint with a sprinkle of salt until a paste has formed, add the beans, a little oil and pound again until a vibrant green paste has formed. Add a little lemon rind, and juice, check for seasoning, mix to combine, taste and adjust if necessary. Serve in a little bowl with some warm flat-bread.

BROAD BEAN, BACON AND MINT FETTUCCINE Serves 3-4 500g fresh egg fettuccine 100g Parmesan Cheese, grated 150g bacon, cut into small slices Broad bean dip

Heat a good size pot of well salted water to the boil.

In a good size fry-pan add a little oil and fry the bacon until crispy, add the broad bean mixture, warm through. Add the pasta to the pot of boiling water, give a quick stir and cook according to the pack. Once the pasta is cooked, drain immediately, reserving a little of the cooking water. Add to the broad bean mixture and loosen with a spoon or two of the reserved water, toss together. Add Parmesan, sea salt and a few generous grinds of black pepper. Serve with a fresh squeeze of lemon juice, drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil, and a sprinkle of fresh Parmesan cheese.


1kg waxy potatoes, cut into wedges 200g bacon end, cut into lardons (small baton shape) optional 1 bulb new season garlic 1 lemon ¼ cup white wine 3 sprigs fresh thyme Good quality olive oil Salt and freshly cracked black pepper Cavalo nero, kale, spinach or silver beet, washed well and roughly cut into large pieces Olive oil and Extra virgin olive oil Sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper

Method: Heat a heavy based deep sided fry pan with a generous amount of oil, add the bacon and cook for 5 minutes or until the bacon crisps. Add the potatoes so they get coated in the bacon fat, let cook over a high heat, so the potatoes form a slight crust. Trim the top of the garlic bulb, peel away the exterior shell and slice the whole bulb into thin rounds. When the garlic is so new you don’t necessarily need to separate the cloves. Add the garlic, thyme sprig, seasoning and a grate or two of lemon zest, mix to coat the potatoes. Add a glug of white wine and continue to cook the potatoes until 2/3 cooked. Add the greens and lightly season, toss through the potato mixture, cook 2-3 minutes longer. Squeeze over a little lemon juice and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil great with char-grilled chicken, pork or simply fry an egg and place on top.

Fantastic Green Salad

A good salad only needs to contain very few ingredients! But it is essential that they are good products. It is vital that the lettuce you use is super fresh, try a variety of lettuce leaves. Different varieties have different flavour, texture and colour.

- Wash the leaves gently and remove as much water as possible. The dressing won’t coat the leaves if wet.

- Don’t dress the salad until just before serving, as the leaves will wilt, and discolour.

- Don’t over handle

Pick over the leaves of salad and remove any unwanted stalk, put the washed leaves into a good size bowl and make a simple fresh dressing - add 1 Tablespoon lemon juice, balsamic vinegar or sherry vinegar, into a small bowl, drizzle in 3 Tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, pinch of sea salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper. Lightly whisk together to mix, drizzle over enough oil to lightly coat the leaves. Toss the leaves gently with your fingertips so the dressing coats all the leaves. Serve immediately!

ROSE PETAL MERINGUES, CREAM AND RASPBERRIES Makes 8 2 large egg whites, at room temperature 110g rose petal sugar For the topping:

250g mascarpone cheese 200ml crème fraiche or whipped cream 1 Tablespoon icing sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

To finish: Fresh raspberries and edible rose petals from Kanuka Organics

Preheat the oven to 150C

You will also need a large baking sheet measuring 16 x 12 in (40 x 30 cm), lined with baking parchment.

To make the Rose Petal Sugar: Put 1 ¼ cups caster sugar and 4 Tablespoons dried rose petals into a food processor and processor until a pretty pink sugar has formed. Store excess sugar in a jar – will last 1-2 months.

To make the meringues, place the egg whites in a large, grease-free bowl and, using an electric mixer whisk on a low speed, begin whisking. Continue whisking turning up the speed to high until the egg whites are foamy and stiff peaks have formed. Next, whisk the sugar in on fast speed, a little (about a dessertspoon) at a time, until you have a stiff and glossy mixture. Now all you do is spoon 8 heaped dessertspoons of the mixture on to the prepared baking sheet, spacing them evenly. Using the back of the spoon or a small palette knife, hollow out the centres. Don’t worry if they are not all the same shape – random and rocky is how I would describe them.

Next, pop them on the centre shelf of the oven, immediately reduce the heat to 140°C, and leave them for 30 minutes. After that, turn the oven off and leave the meringues to dry out in the warmth of the oven until it is completely cold (usually about 4 hours).

Mix the mascarpone, sugar and cream or crème fraiche together. Mix using either an electric hand mixer or by hand. Beat until the creams are combined and a smooth, silky mixture has formed.

To Assemble: spoon the cream mixture onto cold meringues, top with fresh raspberries or strawberries and sprinkle with the rose petals.

I  would like to thank all the vendors who have supported the mobile kitchen, and I would also like thank all the enthusiastic public who support good food. Have a safe and very merry Christmas. Thank you!

Kanuka Organics

Waitaki Bacon and Ham

Ettrick Growers

Brydone Organic Growers

Pasta doro