Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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Ollie, Freddy and Evy

Well Christmas has passed by here in New Zealand.  I am now turning my thoughts to my family and friends in the UK.  Merry Christmas! I do hope you all have a happy, safe and stress-free time. 
My large family have made Christmas rather relaxing.  The weather was fine and we were able to stick to the original plan of an outdoor affair.  We all bring a variety of dishes and put them together and we end up with quite a banquet.
 This year more than other's i really do feel blessed to have my Mother and Father and all my family with us in good health.  My parents have spent many months in hospital and has caused endless amounts of concern for us all.  When situations like that arise you always find good.  And in our case i realised just how loving and special my family is.
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas, try to stop and look around as sometimes we don't see the small things. 

Merry Christmas and lots of love to you all..