Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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A Bit About Me (Alison)

It is hard not to sound like other obsessed chefs, and i am obsessed about food, but in a deeply passionate way. I have loved food ever since i could talk, i converted my dolls house into a restaurant when i was four and would make salads for my brothers with pine needles, mums precious flowers and of course a scattering of mud.

Well my cooking has evolved since then and my endless pleasure has only grown in making people smile and feel comforted by the food i cook. I feel as though i am on a bit of a mission at the moment. I have done the "cheffy " thing all my adult life and it has given me so much pleasure. I love kitchens, i love the stress, the people and i love meeting the suppliers who painstakingly produce such beautiful products.

Maybe with my gaining of age or maybe it is being a Mother (which by the way i have three little darlings) i am just feeling the majority of the public are getting pushed out of the kitchen. People are too busy, cooking seems a lot of work etc. It truly doesn't have to be like that! If i can help you cook with what is in season, it will not only make food taste better but it will be easier on your pocket.

I am also getting back to basic's! My husband and i live in the suburbs here in Dunedin. The property is steep but fertile, and we are enthusiastic. We are going to get comfortable with mud and grubs this year. We are going to try to produce almost all of our vegetables for our family. Obviously i will be posting our progress and if we have any tips then i will surely let you know.

I am all about keeping food simple, enjoyable and delicious. I would love to get people back into the kitchen for the right reason and i would love families to sit around the table and enjoy not only the food but also the company. It is good to stop and relax, and to enjoy each others company as time goes by too fast!